
Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) that provides a suite of tools for analyzing compiled code. It is designed to analyze binary files from various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it highly versatile for reverse engineering purposes. Released as an open-source tool at the RSA Conference in March 2019, Ghidra has quickly become a favorite in the cybersecurity community due to its extensive features and no-cost availability.

Key Features

Multi-Platform Support: Ghidra can analyze binaries from a wide range of operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and more, making it a flexible tool for reverse engineers working across different platforms.

Wide Architecture Compatibility: It supports a vast array of processor architectures, including x86 32/64, ARM, PowerPC, MIPS, and many others, enabling analysis of executable files from virtually any device.

Graphical User Interface (GUI): Ghidra offers a user-friendly GUI that includes a code browser, providing a visual representation of disassembled code with syntax highlighting, making it easier to read and understand.

Decompiler: One of Ghidra’s standout features is its built-in decompiler, which translates machine code back into a high-level, readable source code approximation. This significantly aids in understanding what a binary does without running it.

Scripting and Extensions: Ghidra supports scripting in Python and Java, allowing users to automate tasks and extend Ghidra’s functionality through plugins and scripts. The active community around Ghidra continuously contributes new scripts and tools.

Collaboration Features: It includes capabilities for collaborative reverse engineering, allowing multiple analysts to work on the same binary simultaneously, which is valuable for team-based security assessments.

Open Source: Being open-source, Ghidra's source code is available for anyone to inspect, modify, and enhance. This transparency builds trust and has led to a vibrant community contributing to its development.


Malware Analysis: Ghidra is extensively used in malware analysis for understanding malware mechanisms, identifying vulnerabilities, and developing malware signatures.

Vulnerability Research: Researchers leverage Ghidra to dissect software and find security vulnerabilities within binaries, contributing to the enhancement of software security.

Reverse Engineering: It is widely used for general reverse engineering tasks, including understanding proprietary protocols, analyzing suspicious binaries, and assessing the security of closed-source software.


  • Cost-effective: Being free, Ghidra offers powerful reverse engineering capabilities without the financial outlay required for other commercial tools.

  • Community Support: The open-source nature of Ghidra has fostered a strong community, leading to a wealth of plugins, scripts, and tutorials that enhance its utility.

  • NSA-Developed: Coming from the NSA, Ghidra is built with insights from one of the most advanced cybersecurity organizations globally, ensuring a high level of sophistication and reliability.


  • Learning Curve: New users might find Ghidra's extensive features and interface overwhelming initially, requiring time to become proficient.

  • Resource Intensive: Running Ghidra, especially the decompiler on large binaries, can be resource-intensive, necessitating a powerful computer for smooth operation.

  • Security Concerns: Given its NSA origins, some initially expressed concerns about potential backdoors, though no evidence has supported these claims, and its open-source nature allows for public scrutiny.

Ghidra is a powerful tool for conducting static malware analysis. It allows analysts to dissect and understand the functionality of malware without executing it, minimizing the risk to their systems. Here's a detailed, step-by-step guide on using Ghidra for static malware analysis:

Importing the Malware Sample

  • Start Ghidra and create a new project via the ‘File’ menu. Choose ‘New Project’ and then select either ‘Non-Shared Project’ for individual work or ‘Shared Project’ for collaborative analysis. After creating your project, import the malware sample by clicking on the ‘File’ menu again and selecting ‘Import File’.

  • Navigate to the location of your malware sample file, select it, and import it into your new project.

Initial Analysis

  • Double-click the imported file in your project to open it. Ghidra will prompt you to analyze the file. Accept the default analysis options or customize them based on your requirements, then start the analysis.

  • For many malware samples, the default analysis options will suffice. This includes disassembly and decompilation, among other automatic processes.

Exploring the Code

  • Once the initial analysis is complete, use the Symbol Tree and the Listing Window to explore the disassembled code. The Symbol Tree helps you navigate different components of the binary, such as functions and global variables.

  • Look for interesting starting points like the ‘main’ function or entry point, and any imported functions that could indicate malicious activity (e.g., network functions, file manipulation, registry access).


  • Ghidra’s Decompiler translates assembly code into a higher-level C-like pseudocode. Use this feature to examine the logic of specific functions more clearly. Simply click on a function in the Listing Window to see its decompiled version.

  • If you identify a function that looks suspicious or particularly complex, decompile it to get a clearer understanding of what it does.

Analyzing Strings

  • Use the ‘Search’ -> ‘For Strings’ feature to find and examine strings within the binary. This can reveal network domains, file paths, registry keys, or other indicators of the malware’s behavior.

  • Identifying a URL in the strings could indicate command and control (C&C) server communication.

Investigating Imported Functions

  • Pay close attention to the imported functions listed in the Symbol Tree under ‘Imports’. These can give clues about the malware's capabilities, such as network communication, file manipulation, or system monitoring.

  • Functions from the Wininet.dll library could suggest the malware is capable of making HTTP requests.

Review Cross-References

  • Right-click on functions, variables, or strings and select ‘References’ -> ‘Show References to’ to find all places where they are used in the code. This helps in understanding how different parts of the malware interact.

  • Checking references to a suspicious string might lead you to the function responsible for C&C communication.

Taking Notes and Tagging

  • Use Ghidra’s built-in features for taking notes and tagging code to keep track of your findings and hypotheses as you analyze.

  • Right-click on a suspicious function and add a note saying “Potential encryption routine” for future reference.

Reporting Findings

  • Compile your findings into a comprehensive report. Include details about any identified malicious functionalities, indicators of compromise (IOCs), and potential mitigation strategies.

  • Prepare a document outlining the analysis process, key observations, the purpose of the malware, and recommended actions for remediating the threat.