
VirusTotal serves as an indispensable tool in the cybersecurity arsenal, providing a multifaceted analysis of files to detect malware and assess potential threats. This tutorial is designed to guide users through the process of using the VirusTotal Web Interface for comprehensive file analysis.

Accessing VirusTotal

  • Navigate to the VirusTotal website and ensure you are signed into your account to access advanced features.

  • Initiate the file upload by clicking on the "Choose File" button or by dragging and dropping the file directly onto the webpage. The system will automatically commence the scanning process using an array of over 70 antivirus products, dynamic analysis sandboxes, and additional security tools.

  • Alternatively, you can submit a file hash to VirusTotal, which then checks its database to see if the hash has been previously analyzed. If found, VirusTotal provides the existing analysis report associated with that hash.

Navigating the Analysis Report

After the scanning process concludes, you will be directed to the file report page, which is segmented into four primary tabs: Details, Relations, Behavior, and Telemetry. Each tab provides specific facets of information about the analyzed file.

  • Details Tab: Provides fundamental information about the file, including but not limited to its name, size, type, and hash values (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256). A crucial aspect of this tab is the detection ratio, showcasing the count of antivirus engines that have flagged the file as malicious. Moreover, it delineates the file's submission and last analysis dates, alongside any pertinent tags, offering a preliminary insight into the file's nature and threat level.

  • Relations Tab: Delving deeper, the Relations tab elucidates the interconnectedness of the analyzed file with other entities within the VirusTotal database. This encompasses associated files, domains, IP addresses, URLs, and even threat actors, thus painting a broader picture of the file's ecosystem. Exploring these connections is instrumental in understanding the file's origin, potential collaborators, or the infrastructure supporting its malicious activities.

  • Behavior Tab: The Behavior tab is dedicated to unveiling the file's conduct when executed in a controlled, sandbox environment. It meticulously documents the file's actions, such as DNS lookups, HTTP conversations, processes initiated, and permissions checked. This tab is invaluable for discerning the file's operational blueprint and gauging its intended impact on systems.

  • Telemetry Tab: Lastly, the Telemetry tab aggregates statistical data and historical insights concerning the file's distribution and detection trends. Information provided includes antivirus partner detections, analyses frequency, and community feedback. This tab aids in evaluating the file's reputation and tracking its evolution over time within the cybersecurity domain.

Behavior Tab within VirusTotal

Sandbox Reports

The Sandbox Reports section is dedicated to analyzing the file's behavior in diverse sandbox environments. These controlled settings are designed to safely execute and observe the file, identifying any malevolent behavior or potential threats that emerge during execution.

Activity Summary

This section provides a consolidated overview of the file's activities across several vectors, including network communication, file system interactions, registry manipulations, process and service manipulations, and modules loaded.

Network Communication

Lists the file's network interactions, detailing URLs contacted, IP addresses engaged with, and protocols used during its execution.

File System Actions

Catalogs the file's interactions with the system's file structure, enumerating actions such as file creations, modifications, deletions, and access attempts. countermeasures.

Registry Actions

Details the file's interactions with the Windows registry, including modifications, creations, and deletions of registry keys and values.

Process and Service Actions

Provides insights into the file's engagement with system processes and services, encompassing process creations, terminations, and modifications, as well as service installations and removals.

Modules Loaded

Lists the dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) or other modules that the file loads during its execution, offering clues about its functionality and dependencies.

Application in Malware Analysis

VirusTotal is used extensively in malware analysis for several critical functions:

  • Initial Threat Assessment: By leveraging the detection capabilities of multiple antivirus engines, VirusTotal provides a quick way to assess the potential maliciousness of files or URLs, helping to prioritize investigation efforts.

  • Comprehensive Malware Detection: The use of multiple engines increases the likelihood of detecting new, emerging, or sophisticated malware that might be missed by any single antivirus solution, enhancing the overall detection rate.

  • Research and Investigation: The detailed reports, including behavioral analysis and community comments, aid in understanding the behavior, characteristics, and potential impact of malware, supporting in-depth investigations.

  • Threat Intelligence Sharing: VirusTotal serves as a platform for the exchange of threat intelligence among the cybersecurity community, with users contributing knowledge and findings that enrich the collective understanding and defense against cyber threats.

Advantages and Considerations


  • Wide Coverage: The combination of numerous antivirus engines and blacklisting services provides wide coverage, increasing the chances of detecting varied threats.

  • Speed and Accessibility: Being an online service, VirusTotal allows for quick assessments from anywhere, without the need for installing dedicated software.

  • Community and Expert Insights: The user community and expert contributions add valuable context and depth to the automated scanning results.


  • False Positives/Negatives: While rare, discrepancies between antivirus engines can result in false positives or negatives, requiring further investigation by users.

  • Privacy Concerns: Submitting sensitive or proprietary files to VirusTotal should be done with caution, as there are considerations regarding data privacy and the potential for files to be shared with security researchers and organizations.

Last updated