Phantom Evasion

Phantom-Evasion is an advanced cybersecurity tool designed primarily for penetration testers and security researchers. The main objective of this tool is to provide an efficient way to generate evasion techniques that can bypass antivirus software and other security measures. Phantom-Evasion achieves this by creating malware payloads that are capable of evading detection through various methods of obfuscation and encryption.

Key Features:

  • Payload Generation: Phantom-Evasion can create multiple types of payloads, including shellcode and scripts in languages such as Python, C, and Ruby, designed to be undetectable by common antivirus solutions.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: It supports payload generation for various operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Android, making it versatile for testing across different platforms.

  • Customization and Flexibility: Users have the ability to customize their payloads extensively, allowing for specific evasion techniques to be implemented based on the target environment.

  • Automation Capabilities: The tool includes features that automate certain processes, making the creation of sophisticated evasion techniques more accessible to users with varying levels of expertise.

Using Phantom-Evasion involves a sequence of steps that allow users to generate evasive payloads. Below is a simplified step-by-step guide on how to use Phantom-Evasion for creating evasion payloads.


  1. Clone the Repository: First, you need to clone the Phantom-Evasion repository from GitHub to your local machine. You can do this by opening a terminal and running the command:

git clone
  1. Navigate to the Directory: After cloning, change your directory to the newly cloned Phantom-Evasion folder:

cd phantom-evasion
  1. Install Dependencies: Phantom-Evasion may require certain dependencies to be installed:

git clone metasploit-framework
git clone mingw-w64
git clone gcc-multilib
git clone apktool
git clone apksigner
git clone strip
git clone osslsigncode

Running Phantom-Evasion

  1. Launch Phantom-Evasion: With all dependencies installed, you can now launch Phantom-Evasion. This can be done by executing a Python script:

  1. Navigating the Menu: Upon launch, Phantom-Evasion will present a menu with various options for payload generation. The options include different payload types, such as "Pure Windows Shellcode", "Python Windows/Meterpreter Reverse_TCP", among others.

Selecting a Payload Type

  1. Select Payload Type: Choose the type of payload you wish to generate. For example, if you want to create a Python-based reverse TCP payload, select the corresponding option by entering its number.

Here’s an overview of the different payload types that can be used with Phantom-Evasion:

Executable Payloads

  • Windows Executables: These are binary files (.exe) designed to run on Windows systems. Phantom-Evasion can generate payloads that exploit Windows-specific vulnerabilities or utilize common Windows functionalities to avoid detection.

  • Linux Executables: Similar to Windows executables but tailored for Linux environments. These payloads can leverage Linux system calls and functionalities to execute malicious activities without being detected by Linux-based security solutions.

Scripting Payloads

  • Python Scripts: Phantom-Evasion can generate Python-based payloads, which are particularly useful in environments where Python is already installed, or Python scripts are commonly used. These payloads can be disguised as legitimate scripts to avoid raising suspicion.

  • PowerShell Scripts: Leveraging the powerful scripting capabilities of PowerShell, these payloads are designed to execute on Windows systems where PowerShell is available. PowerShell scripts can be particularly stealthy, given PowerShell's extensive use in administration and management tasks.

  • Batch Files: Simple yet effective, batch file payloads (.bat) are scripts executed in the Windows command-line interface. Phantom-Evasion can craft batch files that perform malicious actions while masquerading as innocuous command sequences.


  • Windows Shellcode: This consists of small pieces of code used as the payload in the exploitation of a software vulnerability on Windows systems. Phantom-Evasion can generate obfuscated shellcode to evade AV detection.

  • Linux Shellcode: Similar to Windows shellcode but designed for execution on Linux systems. These payloads are typically used in buffer overflow attacks or other memory corruption exploits on Linux machines.

  • macOS Shellcode: Shellcode payloads tailored for macOS, exploiting vulnerabilities within the macOS environment. Like other shellcodes, macOS variants aim to be compact and efficient, minimizing their detection footprint.

Reflective DLL Injection

This technique involves creating a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that can be injected into a running process on a Windows system. Phantom-Evasion can generate DLLs that are loaded into memory without touching the disk (fileless), significantly reducing their detectability by traditional AV solutions.

Polymorphic Code

Polymorphic payloads automatically change their code signature every time they are generated, without altering their fundamental behavior. This capability makes it difficult for AV solutions to detect the payload based on signatures, as the payload appears different each time.

Configuring and Generating the Payload

  1. Configure Payload Options: After selecting a payload type, you'll be prompted to configure various options like LHOST (local host/IP), LPORT (local port), and other payload-specific settings.


  1. Generate the Payload: Once all options are configured, proceed to generate the payload. Phantom-Evasion will compile and obfuscate the code as required, outputting a file containing your undetectable payload.

Example output might indicate success:

[+] Payload successfully generated at /path/to/

Deploying the Payload

  • Testing Environment: Ensure you have permission to deploy the payload and that you're operating within a controlled, safe environment.

  • Execution on Target: The method of deploying the payload will vary based on its type and the target environment. For a script-based payload, it might be as simple as copying the file to the target and executing it.

Last updated