
CrackMapExec (CME) is a post-exploitation tool that excels in its ability to automate the assessment of the security posture of networked systems, leveraging the SMB, SSH, WinRM, and other protocols. One of its features is the ability to conduct password spraying attacks efficiently.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have the following prerequisites met:

  1. CrackMapExec Installed: CME can be installed on various operating systems. On Kali Linux, it can be installed using the command: sudo apt-get install crackmapexec.

  2. Target List: Compile a list of target IP addresses or domain names against which the password spraying will be executed.

  3. User List: Prepare a list of usernames in a text file that will be targeted during the password spraying attack.

  4. Common Passwords: Identify common passwords that will be used in the spraying attack. For efficiency and effectiveness, select passwords that are commonly used within the organization or industry but maintain a concise list to avoid lockouts.

Step 1: Verifying Installation

First, verify that CME is correctly installed and accessible from your terminal or command line interface. Execute the following command:

crackmapexec --version

This command should return the version of CrackMapExec installed, confirming its successful installation.

Step 2: Conduct Reconnaissance

Prior to launching the attack, it is imperative to conduct thorough reconnaissance to refine the list of targets and identify potentially vulnerable services. Use CrackMapExec's scanning capabilities to assess the open ports and services on the targets:

crackmapexec smb [target IP range] --gen-relay-list targets.txt

The above command scans the specified IP range for SMB services and generates a list of potential targets, saving them to targets.txt.

Step 3: Execute the Password Spraying Attack

With the preparation complete, you can now proceed to the password spraying attack. The basic syntax for a password spraying attack using CrackMapExec is as follows:

crackmapexec smb [target IP range] -u users.txt -p 'Password1' --continue-onsuccess

In this command:

  1. smb specifies the protocol to use (in this case, SMB).

  2. [target IP range] should be replaced with your actual target IP range or the file containing your refined list of targets.

  3. -u users.txt points to the file containing the list of usernames.

  4. -p 'Password1' specifies the common password you are attempting to use.

  5. --continue-on-success tells CME to continue attempting credentials even after finding valid ones, ensuring a comprehensive sweep.

Step 4: Analyzing the Output

CrackMapExec provides detailed output that includes the success or failure of login attempts for each combination of username and password against the targeted services. Successful authentication attempts will be clearly marked, enabling you to identify compromised accounts.

Last updated